Pre-Wedding with Priya

by | Feb 23, 2022 | Ackworth School, Old Scholar

AOS Balpriya Kaur (AOS 10-15)

During February the school had a visit from Old Scholar Balpriya Kaur. Priya (23) met her partner, Lakh, at university in Manchester. Now engaged to marry, Priya got back in touch with Ackworth. She couldn’t think of a better place to have their pre-wedding photo shoot.

Priya left Ackworth School Sixth Form in 2015, where she studied Law LLB (Hons) and LPC LLM masters. She is now a Legal Solutions Specialist. We asked Priya how her time at Ackworth School had moulded her enthusiasm for success.



“My experience at Ackworth shaped me into a responsible and driven individual. After I left Ackworth I had a drive to succeed in the field of law.
I carry values of care, respect, and value for people of all backgrounds and cultures. Ackworth demonstrated to me the value of peace. I learnt the value of silence and how this allows us to reflect and align our thoughts.”

Priya continues to work hard and intends to study further to become a fully qualified lawyer. We would like to wish Priya and Lakh all the happiness for their wedding in May. We wish them well for the start of their lives together.



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