Scholarships & Bursaries
Ackworth School has, as one of its founding aims, to support ‘Friend’ children not in affluence. The School today strives to support ‘Friend and non-Friend’ children who would benefit from an education at Ackworth School.
Ackworth School recognises the exceptional gifts and talents of young people through the award of scholarships. Therefore, scholarships are awarded on the basis of merit. In cases of need, bursaries are available but they are all means tested. The School will consider all applications to supplement a scholarship with a bursary. The number and size of scholarships is at the discretion of the Head. The award of a scholarship will remain solely on merit in any of the categories described below and the financial implications of this award will be a fee remission of 5% of the annual day fee.
The School does not have a foundation scholarship or bursary fund. The School has a limited amount of bursary funding held in trust. It also has access, along with the other Friends’ Schools, to the Joint Bursary Scheme which provides some support for applications from members of the Society of Friends.
All other support for scholarships and bursaries is derived from the annual fee income and this imposes a restriction on the amount of funding available for scholarships and bursaries in any given year. The number and size of scholarships is at the discretion of the Head. The award of a scholarship will remain solely on merit.
Bursaries are available for pupils entering both Coram House and Senior School. Scholarships are available for pupils entering Senior School.
Scholarships will be awarded at three points in a student’s progression through the school or on entry. The three points are at ages 11+, 13+ and 16+. The school may approach parents having judged a student worthy of consideration for assessment for scholarship. Parents are welcome to approach the school to ask for their child to be assessed for a scholarship. Ultimately the school’s decision is final. Scholarships are usually tenable until the end of Fifth form providing the holder’s academic progress and general conduct remains satisfactory and provided that the holder continues enthusiastically to fulfil the obligations associated with the scholarship.
Scholarships are reviewed annually, at the end of each academic year. Sixth Form Scholarships are tenable for two years but are reviewed after the completion of the first year. There is a separate process for application for a Sixth Form Scholarship.
The award of any scholarship carries with it privilege and responsibility; every scholarship holder is expected to set an example for the other pupils in their conduct and approach to academic study, and to participate in the fuller life of the School through commitment to extra-curricular activities. All scholarships are liable to be rescinded in the case of the student not meeting their potential or obligations explicitly stated in the granting of the scholarship.
Academic Scholarships
Academic Scholarships on entry at First form (11+) and Third form (13+) are assessed by an overall performance in the Entrance tests, i.e. the English, Maths and Non-Verbal Reasoning (NVR) papers. School references are also obtained from the feeder school. The top performing students will be invited to an interview with the Head. This interview may involve a presentation by the student.
Sixth Form Academic Scholarships are through a Sixth Form Scholarship examination which is normally sat in February. Students performing well on this paper will be invited to attend an interview with the Head. Entry into the Sixth Form is also dependent upon a student meeting the entrance criteria as set out in Ackworth’s Admission Policy.
Music Scholarships
Music Scholarships are assessed by auditions and through practical assessments. The financial implications of a Music Scholarship will provide for individual lessons on one instrument, or voice. Any conditions pertaining to the award of this Scholarship are stated in the letter offering the Scholarship. A pre-audition is highly recommended.
Sixth Form Music Scholarships are awarded during the Spring term of the Fifth form following recommendation, consultation, and practical assessment by the Director of Music along with an interview with the Head. A letter inviting all Fifth Form students wishing to be considered for a Music Scholarship is sent to Fifth Form parents and to external applicants for Sixth Form places.
Art Scholarships
Art Scholarships are assessed by the presentation of a portfolio and through practical assessments. The financial implications of an Art Scholarships will be a fee remission of 5% of the annual day fee. Any conditions pertaining to the award of this Scholarship are stated in the letter offering the Scholarship. Presentation to the Head of Art of a portfolio of recent work prior to the application for an Art Scholarship is highly recommended.
Sixth Form Art Scholarships are awarded during the Spring term of the Fifth Form following recommendation, consultation and practical assessment by the Head of Art and an interview with the Head. A letter inviting all Fifth Form students wishing to be considered for an Art Scholarship is sent to Fifth Form parents and to external applicants for Sixth Form places.
Drama Scholarships
Drama Scholarships may be awarded to students who show exceptional potential in drama. Drama Scholarships are assessed by auditions and through practical assessments. The financial implications of a Drama Scholarships will be a fee remission of 5% of the annual day fee. Any conditions pertaining to the award of this Scholarship are stated in the letter offering the Scholarship. A pre-audition is highly recommended.
Sixth Form Drama Scholarships are awarded during the Spring term of the Fifth Form following recommendation, consultation, and practical assessment by the Head of Drama along with an interview with the Head. A letter inviting all Fifth Form students wishing to be considered for a Drama Scholarship is sent to Fifth Form parents and to external applicants for Sixth Form places.
Sports Scholarships
Sports Scholarships may be awarded for students who show exceptional potential in team and individual sports offered within the curriculum. Sports Scholarships are assessed through practical assessments. The financial implications of a Sports Scholarship will be a fee remission of 5% of the annual day fee. Any conditions pertaining to the award of this Scholarship are stated in the letter offering the Scholarship. A pre-assessment is highly recommended.
Sixth Form Sports Scholarships are awarded during the Spring term of the Fifth Form following recommendation, consultation, and practical assessment by the Head of Sport along with an interview with the Head. A letter inviting all Fifth Form students wishing to be considered for a Sports Scholarship is sent to Fifth Form parents and also to external applicants for Sixth Form places.
Fixed value awards
GCSE Award
The GCSE Award, a single payment, is made on the basis of performance each year in the GCSE examinations to current Ackworth students. The Award is made on the basis of overall performance and the number of such Awards varies each year to reflect academic performance. The Award is at the discretion of the Head.
For those currently at the School entering the Sixth Form, scholarships may be awarded for entry on the basis of outstanding GCSE results, and these will be known as GCSE Scholarships. They will be honorary, but parents will then have the opportunity to apply to supplement the Scholarship by a Bursary, based upon the financial circumstances of the candidate’s parents.
Highest Scholarship Award
The Highest Scholarship Award, a single payment, is made to recognise excellence in A Level final examinations. Normally two awards are offered but in exceptional circumstances awards may be split. The Award is at the discretion of the Head.
In order to ensure that funding is fairly, socially, responsibly and most effectively employed, all bursaries are means assessed. The award of a bursary will remain solely dependent on the completion and assessment of a bursary form. The use of means testing for bursaries allows the award of bursaries to be up to the value of 100% fee remission, although this level of support is extremely rare with between 10% and 50% of day fees being the normal range. The financial value of a means tested bursary award is reassessed annually to ensure the ethical distribution of funds is maintained.
Friends Schools’ Joint Bursaries Scheme
Requests for information and applications for support from members of the Religious Society of Friends or Attenders, in good standing, or for support from the Friends Schools’ Joint Bursary Scheme should be directed to the Bursar.
Non-Friend Bursarial Support
All other requests for bursarial support should be addressed to the Head in the first instance.