
Clubs and Societies

Ackworth School has a full academic, co-curricular and extracurricular calendar, with a wide choice of clubs and societies on offer.

  • Art Club
  • Book Club
  • Band
  • Business Studies Support
  • Chamber Choir
  • Chess Club
  • Choir
  • Cipher Club
  • Circuit Training (all ages)
  • Climbing (Indoor)
  • Cook Club
  • Costume Club
  • Classics
  • Crochet Club
  • Current Affairs
  • Dance
  • Debating Club
  • Design & Build Club
  • Digital Photography
  • Drama Club
  • DT Club
  • DT Coursework Drop-In
  • DT Props Club
  • Duke of Edinburgh’s Award
  • Economics Support
  • EFL Drop In
  • Electronics & Computing
  • English Support Drop-In
  • Ensemble
  • EAL Drop In
  • Esports
  • European Cinema
  • Fitness Centre
  • Food Club (GCSE)
  • Fothergill Society
  • French Club
  • Games & Puzzles
  • Gardening Club
  • GCSE Art Club
  • Geography GCSE & A Level Drop-In
  • Guitar Club
  • Historical Lit. & Film Society (1st- 3rd Form)
  • Indoor Climbing (Juniors)
  • IT Club
  • Journalism (4th Form upwards)
  • Kayaking
  • Lego
  • Manga
  • Maths Workshop
  • Medical Society
  • Mindfulness (4th Form upwards)
  • Model Railway
  • Music Theory
  • Natural History
  • Orchestra
  • Park Run
  • PE GCSE Drop-In
  • PE GCSE Revision
  • Percussion Club
  • Philosophy Club (Alternate weeks for 6th Form)
  • Pokémon
  • Projects Abroad
  • Recorder Club
  • RS Revision Club (5th Form only)
  • Running Club
  • School Production (Drama Rehearsals)
  • School Production (Music Rehearsals)
  • Science Club
  • Sci-Fi Film Club
  • Sewing & Knitting
  • Spanish Club
  • String Ensemble
  • Target 2.0 (U6th Economists only)
  • Wind Ensemble
  • Yoga
  • Young Consumer Competition