Discover the difference at Ackworth Junior School in Yorkshire

Empowering young minds with Quaker values

Welcome to Ackworth’s Junior School, where we offer children from 4 to 11 years old a unique educational experience that will nurture them both academically and socially.

Our Junior school is called Coram House – and it’s here where we strive to create a learning environment that values kindness and community. Embracing our Quaker values of equality, peace, truth, justice and simplicity, we support young children and immerse them into school life and structured learning.

Our co-ed Junior school teaching is pitched according to your child’s needs, supported by outstanding levels of care and regular communication with parents and families.


We teach children in mixed ability classes, recognising and understanding their individual targets. In Coram House, pupils benefit from a range of educational opportunities beyond the UK national curriculum, so as well as gaining a solid foundation in subjects like English, mathematics and science, we give children a chance to try something new, including a choice of languages such as French, Spanish, and Mandarin Chinese.


Coram House offers wraparound care from 7:45am to 6:00pm each day at no extra cost to our families

Learning in our ‘great’ outdoors

We pride ourselves on taking learning out of the classroom, which means Junior school children get to experience our stimulating Forest School sessions – learning under a dense canopy of trees within the school’s exciting woodland areas. Here we encourage children to take risks, discover, build and play.

In Forest School, our specialist teachers guide pupils to learn skills such as:

  • Problem solving and teamwork tasks
  • Fire lighting and cooking over a live fire
  • Learning the use of tools, such as a bow saw
  • Den building
  • Erecting tents
  • Knot tying
  • Arts and crafts
  • Literacy and numeracy.

Sustainability is important to Ackworth School and we constantly go the extra mile to help children understand it. We also have a digital approach to learning, so children are taught ICT skills at Coram House and given confidence to use technology as they progress throughout the school.

We aim for high academic standards within our co-ed junior school and blend this with a perfect mix of pastoral care to provide tailor-made teaching and learning. This encourages pupils to develop their own talents and personalities which build self-esteem, resilience and confidence. We nurture happy, inquisitive children, who want to care about the environment and learn more about the world around them.

Enjoying accomplishments in our Quaker junior school

Of course academic excellence is important to all of us here at Coram House, but of equal importance are the values that go with it. Our pupils will explore themselves and discover skills which will help them transform their own individual talents into accomplishments – accomplishments which will make them valued and respected and help them fulfil their potential as they take their next positive steps into senior school and into the wider world.

Communication with parents is key to this success, so we provide half-termly reports, weekly newsletters and a ‘parent portal’ to keep families up to speed with their children and the school. Involving everyone at every step helps us to develop the ‘transitions’ we need to create a smooth journey through the curriculum and beyond for our pupils.


Come and join our junior school


Our Junior school is named after Thomas Coram, the creator of the Foundling Hospital that became Ackworth School. Today CORAM is an acronym that stands for Challenge, Outcome, Reflection, Assessment and Mindset. Come and experience the Coram ethos for yourself. We welcome families from all walks of life and backgrounds to join our junior school community in Yorkshire, so complete the form and get involved.