Ackworth School Celebrates A-Level Success

by | Aug 18, 2022 | Ackworth School

Ackworth School in Ackworth, near Pontefract has praised its students for their unwavering dedication to their studies over the last two unprecedented years, and for achieving such excellent results.

The day and boarding school achieved a 97.6% A-Level pass rate (which as a non-selective school is exceptional) and is “especially proud that, despite the difficult circumstances they’ve endured, over 30% of students exceeded their predicted grades”.

In total, 51.8% of all Ackworth’s A-Level entries gained A-B grades (30.1% of entries were A*-A grades). The majority of students at Ackworth have gained their first-choice place at the country’s top universities including the University of Edinburgh, University of Liverpool and University of Bath.

Local pupils Charlotte and Jasmine, both from Pontefract, achieved four A* grades and three A* grades respectively. Charlotte has secured a place at the University of Edinburgh to study Biological Sciences, while Jasmine will be taking up a place at the University of Dundee to study Medicine.

Other pupil successes to note include Tom who achieved A*AB and secured a place at Cardiff University to study Architecture, as well as Sam and Leo who secured places at the University of Bath to study Mechanical Engineering and Computer Science with Artificial Intelligence. Jade secured a place at the University of Liverpool to study Business Management with two A*s and one A grade.

Jade and Harriet receive their results!

Ackworth School’s Head, Anton Maree said: “The drive and resilience of our students never fails to amaze me. Every one of our students should feel proud of what they have achieved and look forward to the bright futures they have ahead of them.”