Ackworth Table Tennis Teams in Double Delight

by | Mar 19, 2020 | Ackworth School, Sport, table tennis

The Under-16 Boys and Under-16 Girls celebrated an emphatic win at the annual Butterfly School Team Championship finals as they both came away as National Champions last week.

The boys clinched the Leah-Carrington Cup whilst the girls took home the Mick Betts Memorial Cup.

The teams proved to be a cut above the competition, with the boys winning all three matches 8-0. Ackworth’s Felix believed it was their winning mentality which helped them through:

“We were very confident and came in with a mindset that we were going to win.

“Against London Academy, there were difficult moments, a couple of fifth-setters, but we fought through. I think we’ve learned how to deal with pressure quite well.”

The quality of the girls’ team also shone through, epitomised by an 8-0 victory over third-placed  George Spencer Academy. The girls only dropped three individual matches all day. One of the top performers of the day, Sandy echoed the sentiments that a strong team mentality was a large factor:

“We expected to win but we knew it was going to be difficult because it’s national level and we felt a lot of pressure because of that.

“We all stuck together and cheered each other on.”

Ackworth School prides itself on its exceptional Table Tennis Academy with a number of pupils going on to play at an international level.