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Ackworth School joins BSA Covid-Safe charter

Ackworth School joins BSA Covid-Safe charter

In our ongoing efforts to remain safe for both pupils and staff, Ackworth School is pleased to announce that it has joined the Boarding Schools Association (BSA) COVID-SAFE Charter. The Charter ensures that the School is not only strictly adhering to government...

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Phased re-opening of the Senior School

Phased re-opening of the Senior School

In accordance with government guidelines, we are pleased to announce that as of 15th June the School will be welcoming back students from the 4th and 6th Forms. As with the re-opening of the Junior School, where we are happy to be welcoming back our pupils, providing...

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Morning reading 8th June

Morning reading 8th June

In his first reading of the week Ian White recounts a story told to him some years ago, exploring how the human spirit can prevail in the hardest of times.

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Morning reading 5th June

In her third and final reading of the week, Sam Baker looks at the social inequalities we face in modern society and how social justice works as a Quaker value.

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