
Table Tennis Triumph for Ackworth School

by | Jan 13, 2023 | Ackworth School

Congratulations are due to our Table Tennis Academy. During the weekend of 7th January 2023 it was the Senior National qualification tournament where both Rebecca and Felix played. Felix went into the tournament ranked 27 and finished the tournament in 3rd place! His performance’s were outstanding and the team were both shocked yet excited for him to finish this high in a senior tournament.

Equally as impressive, Rebecca was due to finish 9th place and also finished 4th in the women. Rebecca also beat the number 1 women ranked in the tournament. She played outstanding all competition.


Coach, Sam Mabey said, “For me as a coach I was so pleased for them and to have 2 players in the semi final at a tournament like this is not something you see a lot. This also means that both of them qualify for the Senior National Championships in March.” 



Sam Mabey, Coach for Ackworth School Table Tennis Academy

Table Tennis