Day in the life of an Ackworth Sixth Form student
When you join Ackworth School Sixth Form you will choose three A-Levels or our BTEC Extended Diploma in Sport. These choices will form the basis of your timetable and determine which days have more taught lessons than others, and help you identify any gaps for valuable self-study time. Guidance is always on hand to help you learn how to structure your time effectively and balance the demands of academic, social and domestic life. This is a discipline you will use throughout your adult life.
As a Sixth Form student you will have exclusive access to the Westwood Building, your own dedicated Sixth Form study space, as well as our Sixth Form Centre, complete with comfortable furniture, kitchen facilities, vending machines and table tennis tables! These facilities can be used during free periods and before or after school to study or relax with your friends. You will enjoy the same facilities as the rest of the school, including Ackworth’s extensive library, excellent fitness centre and sports facilities.

In Sixth Form you are required to wear business attire and set an important example within our school community. Managing and relishing this new responsibility provides you with a useful lesson in leadership, encouragement, and sensitivity to others.
“ In the morning we go into our form rooms and it is a lovely opportunity to mix with everyone including those you are not in lessons with, and those in the year above as the forms are made up of half lower sixth and half upper sixth. It is a good opportunity to talk to your tutors and get a good start to the day. Then we have three lessons before a break, then two lessons before lunch. Some of those lessons may be a free period depending on your subject choices. Lunch is a good opportunity to mix with different year groups as we all eat together. After lunch there are three more lessons after which you can go home or join an array of extracurricular clubs. There are over 50 clubs to choose from, from Harry Potter Club to Chess, Maths, Sports, Choir, Musicals, all providing the chance to meet new members of the school community.”