
Welcome from the Head

Ackworth School’s motto, “non sibi sed omnibus”, still resonates today. Our excellent enrichment programme made possible through donations to our opportunities fund helps us to provide aspirational opportunities and to educate children irrespective of background or income.

Fee income provides the school with the resources for day to day school activities, but it does not go very far towards helping to cover the costs of maintaining or improving our facilities. We strive to deliver the highest teaching standards and provide high quality facilities. In order to continue to achieve this goal we rely on the generosity of our community.

My very best wishes,

Martyn Beer

As we look forward to the future and our 250th Anniversary in 2029, we plan to celebrate this important milestone in a manner which benefits both the Quaker ethos of our School and the vision of our founder, John Fothergill.

Ways of giving

There are many ways in which you can support Ackworth School; these are detailed below. All your donations, no matter what size, are invaluable so thank you for your support.

By post

To make a donation by cheque (made payable to ‘Ackworth School’) or to set up a Direct Debit, please complete and return the Donation Form:

Downloadable Form

Bank Transfer

If you would like to make your donation via bank transfer, please let the Development Office know of your gift so that we can record it properly and send you a thank you note.

Bank: Barclays Bank Plc
Sort Code: 20-90-65
Account Number: 80108243 (Current Account)
Account Name: Ackworth School 1950 Trust
Any assistance with this can be emailed to alumni@ackworthschool.com.
Gift Aid

If you are a UK tax payer, we can claim an extra 25% in Gift Aid on top of your donation at no extra charge to you. Simply fill in your details on the donation form, or let us know when you make your donation.

If you choose to leave a legacy to Ackworth School, any such bequest will be free from Inheritance Tax.

Paypal/Card payment

The easiest way to make a one-off or regular monthly gift is via PayPal.

To make a one-off donation, simply enter your details via the Donate button below.

To give monthly, follow the prompts via the Donate button to create your PayPal account. Once created, you can manage your monthly amount from your mobile device or computer.

Contact us

If you need further information then please contact:

Jennie Foreman

Marketing, Recruitment and Events Manager


Areas for Support

Over the years, considerable progress has been made on a number of projects which help us to enrich the lives and the educational experience of current as well as future generations of pupils. Our Renewal Fund helps us to refurbish and revitalise our Grade 1 listed buildings and to provide facilities that continue to attract pupils to the school.

Our enrichment programme provides opportunities for primary school children in West Yorkshire to learn new sports, to work together on projects and to develop resilience. These activities also provide opportunities for our pupils to develop their leadership skills and to take responsibility for others who may be less fortunate.

The Renewal Fund has made possible the renovation of the air handling plant at the swimming pool but we would like to continue the refurbishment of the swimming pool complex by converting the old Boiler House and Laundry into much needed activity, teaching and study spaces.

It is also the perfect place to locate our new café and a gym and fitness centre providing pupils with an attractive and welcoming facility in which to train.

The Opportunities Fund allows several families to take advantage of all that the school has to offer by giving them financial assistance in the form of means tested bursaries.

Or Development Programme requires a significant investment in building, infrastructure and facilities.  We need the support of both our school community – as well as the wider community to create a school for the future.  We simply cannot achieve this on our own and we are asking you to help. 

Believing in Bursaries

Ackworth School has always been a place where helping hands have been within reach. A place where children can have a step into life surrounded by people who care and believe in them. So, why should this change now?

Preserving History & Embracing the Future

Ackworth School and our Quaker tradition is an important part of the story of England. A careful combination of preservation and thoughtful modernisation means our school will provide the perfect backdrop for our students’ learning