Pupils at Ackworth School, near Pontefract, have yet again achieved a fantastic set of GCSE results.
Over a third of all grades at the school were at the highest levels of grade 9 to 7, with 54.4% achieving 9 to 6 grades, and 89.5% 9 to 4 grades.
Joel, from Leeds, was one of the school’s top performing students with two 9s, seven 8s and one 7.
Other notable achievements include Noah from Normanton, who achieved three 9s, three 8s and four 7s, along with Rachel from Ferrybridge, who achieved two 9s, two 8s, three 7s and one 6. All three will be staying at Ackworth School to study A-Levels.

Head, Mr Anton Maree, commented: “This year group spent a good deal of Years 8 and 9 in lockdown, arguably at a time when all sorts of academic skills should be flourishing and being nurtured, and have now been affected by the national grade boundary changes. Despite all this, we are all extremely proud with how well they have done. They have shown real dedication to their studies, supported all the way by our wonderful teaching staff, and should be proud of their individual achievements”.
If you would like to find out more about how Ackworth School can support your child to unlock their full academic potential, why not book a place at our Open Morning on Tuesday 3 October or contact our admissions team on admissons@ackworthschool.com or 01977 233600.