On Wednesday 5 July Olivia, William, Alfred, and Tamar took a visit to ReFood, a company who specialise in the Bio Energy transformation of waste food! The Anaerobic Digestion plant in Doncaster processes 160,000 tonnes of waste a year which produces renewable energy for around 60,000 homes.

Ackworth School have been in partnership with the catering company Thomas Franks since 2017 and we are proud to be a client of ReFood who convert waste food into energy. Not only do ReFood specialise in this, but as a result of the renewable gas which is extracted, a bioproduct is then sold back to farmers for fertiliser, fully minimising waste.
The Doncaster branch is almost carbon neutral and is planning on switching to electric vehicles and upping their processing capacity from 160,000 tonnes to 250,000 in their future vision.
As a Quaker school, sustainability sits importantly within our ethos. Taking pupils to see this site was an eye opening (or watering) and educational experience.
“It was an amazing experience to see where schools waste went and to learn about the process that takes place. It was very interesting to learn about how to convert food waste into energy”
Will H, Second Form
“Coming into the waste food trip, I had no idea what to expect, certainly not a smell as bad as I can still recall! But upon entering the building the staff were so lovely, I learnt so much about our food waste and was proud to come back and inform my peers we are indeed a school that can pride ourselves on our recycling and sustainability. I am so thankful for the opportunity and it was an incredible and informing trip. Will definitely be one to remember!”
Olivia W, Lower Sixth

Thank you to Maria, Regional Sales Manager, at ReFood UK for facilitating this trip.