
Ackworth old scholars

Ackworth’s alumnae are known as ‘Old Scholars’ or ‘Ackworthians’. Our Old Scholar community is a vibrant and diverse group that spans the globe.

Our Old Scholars stay connected through our online networking platform, Ackworth School Connect. This platform is like Facebook, but for Ackworthians. Follow the latest new from the School, see what your former classmates are up to, and reach out to some familiar faces you haven’t seen in a while. Register via the button below.

As a member of the Old Scholar Association you know that we have a strong sense of community, built around the importance of equal, positive, and exciting relationships.

Ackworth School aims to encourage a sense of community amongst its old scholars and provides a connection between the school today and its former pupils.

Join Connect

Ackworth School Connect allows you to both re-connect with old classmates as well as enabling you to utilise the trusted Ackworth School environment to expand your professional network.

 Find and reminisce with fellow graduates, see what they have been up to and stay in touch.

Give Back

Your support could help deliver on the School’s ambitions or provide an education to those less fortunate.


Introduce, employ and offer to act as a mentor to our graduating students. Leverage your professional network to get introduced to people you should know.

Make the most of your OA Business Network lunches.